We are all aware there is no escape from death………so how do we manage ? How do we Deal with this crushing knowledge that one day somehow, we shall not be able to escape death ?

We disguise , we repress , we die everyday in every way and still pretend to be living. We hold onto the hope of an afterlife or not, we simply die daily, and we are blind to it.

How are we dying daily and intentionally without even knowing we are dying ? Feeding our minds with poison , punishing our bodies , consuming our lives with hate and impure thoughts ……

Numbing functionality, escaping living , avoiding – fear- pain – purpose – power – who started it? Why would they lead us down this path ?

It is our duty in the works to believe in the things others don’t believe – the moment we stop – we begin to die

Love is one of the most unbelievable elements. It’s so beautiful yet so damning. So fragile yet so fierce . Refining and consuming , confusing yet enduring. If only we allowed love to love us….. if only we let ourselves go , just for a moment and then suddenly never return , as in death

Love can be scary, life can be scary, but what if it’s not all as scary as letting go ? As allowing yourself to live freely?

What if our days could be aimless , what if time could stop , what if the seasons didn’t have to change , what if there was truly no plan?

What if you could kill death? What if violence is a form of rebirth. Just what if we understood that we are the future dead? What if love wasn’t just a thing we aspire to do but rather be ?

Just what if ?

“May the days be aimless , let the seasons drift – do not advance the action according to the plan “

May you simply allow to die now that you may live. We are all the future dead today.

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